

Instructors sentenced after fatal avalanche

Last week, three UCPA ski instructors from Tignes were found guilty of causing the death of a trainee ski instructor in an...

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A Terrible Week in the Mountains – RIP Liz Daley

The world of winter sports was left reeling yesterday in wake of the tragic news that ski legends JP Auclair...

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JP Auclair and Andreas Fransson killed in Chilean Avalanche

The Chilean paper Publimetro is reporting the death of JP Auclair and Andreas Fransson in an avalanche yesterday.  In Chile...

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The massacre must stop

Dominique Perret is a freerider, in fact he’s probably one of the most established pro riders around, with umpteen films...

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3 caught in inbounds avalanche in Alta

The risky avalanche conditions are not limited to Europe or the alps this week, North America is seeing some equally...

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TEDx : The Anatomy of Risk

We all take risks, every minute of every day we are evaluating situations and making decisions based on what we...

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Avalanche at Grizzly Gulch

This recent, relatively small avalanche at Grizzly Gulch in Utah has been getting a lot of press recently, and much...

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If you’ve not already seen, or come across SnowGuardians, then I hope this short post will help rectify that. SnowGuardians...

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It’s not off-piste, it’s just a little off to the side

I tweeted earlier about the summary of the Austrian avalanches in the 12/13 season, on the blog of  Franz Trimmel, a...

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How effective are airbags?

Bruce Tremper of the Utah Avalanche Center has published an interesting article looking at the real-world effectiveness of avalanche airbags....

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