Celebrating the opening weekend of the renowned resort of Haute-Savoie, Burton Snowboards inaugurated its first official store in Avoriaz on December 10th, 2016.

Avoriaz and the Portes du Soleil have an established relationship with Burton, with the famous Stash having been designed by JakeBurton

Located in the center of Avoriaz, the shop offers the newest range of the Burton and anon. collections. More than 200 customers attended the official launch featuring the screening of “Loo$e Change”, the snowboard movie project by Burton team rider Niels Schack. On top of the snacks and drinks, the crowd was also given the chance to print free customized Burton shirts and win store vouchers. The new Burton space covers a total surface of 110m², including an outdoor area that will function as the store terrace.

The shop concept combines Burton’s consolidated snowboarding heritage with the freshness and tech of the latest softgoods collection. As the first snowboard-only dedicated shop in the whole resort, the new Burton Store will be open until the end of the season, and serve as main contact point for the AvoriazSnowboardSchool, founded by professional snowboarder Johann Baisamy.


Via snowIndustryNews